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COVID-19: 7 Things Photographers Should Do While Stuck at Home

With nearly everyone stuck indoors without our daily to-dos to keep us creatively engaged, you’re probably wondering what you can do to stay on top of your photographic game. Most of us complain about lack of time when we’re busy shooting so whenever you’re given time without work, use it to your advantage! Take this extra time and create a plan to keep yourself working on your skills and improving to your best ability.

To give you a few ideas for what to do while you’re stuck without work and inside, we came up with a list of 7 things you can work on to improve your photography skills and better your social presence.

Don’t worry about filling your day with mindless tasks, Full Frame is chock full of beneficial ideas! Plus, we’ll tell you a little bit about insurance for photographers and how it can greatly benefit you throughout a year of work.

Let’s get started.

1. Improve Your Online Presence

As photographers, we tend to neglect our websites, social media profiles, and portfolios until they absolutely need our attention. While you’ve got the time, work on them! Get the basics out of the way and make sure everything is up-to-date. Are you spotlighting your most recent work? Are you showcasing your best abilities? Is your portfolio up-to-date and does it show off your full range and specialties? Are you proud of the photos you’re sharing? Make a checklist of what needs updating and go from there.

While you’re online, make sure your social media profiles are synced to each other and to your website. This way, potential clients will know where they can find you online and you can update it just the same.

2. Process and Edit Unprocessed and Old Images

How many unprocessed images do you have stored on your computer and hard drives? Practice your editing skills by taking some of those pictures and editing them as if someone is paying you top dollar for them. You’ll come out with some beautiful images and maybe you can test out a different editing style than what you usually do.

Plus, you could take some time to re-process some older images you have–who knows, your skills have likely improved!

3. Clean Up

How many times have you had to upgrade your storage? A few, right? Now, when is the last time you cleaned up your storage? It’s been a while, huh?

While you have it, take the time to set up a solid structuring system on your drives, that’s if you don’t already have one. If you do, take the time to sift through old files and either delete them or send them to the cloud for later use. Don’t let images hog up valuable space!

4. Skill Up

With so much time to fill, find something new to do with photography! If you’re primarily a landscape photographer, find some portrait photography tutorials and learn how to put that style to the test! By finding new styles, you’ll not only learn something new, but you’ll maybe even find a new kind of photography to offer clients in the future.

And, right now for a limited time Pluralsight has made all courses on their website free for the month of April making it even easier than before to learn new photography techniques and skills.

5. Prepare Future Projects

If you’re a photographer who primarily does summer and autumn shoots, it’s never too early to start preparing your projects! Now that you have extra time, plan ahead for how you’ll make the most of your future photo shoots.

If you’re a travel photographer who takes yearly trips, maybe you start planning the next trip now. Making a list of sites you want to see and the kinds of photographs you want to take will get your creative juices flowing and remove any stress that you may have had to deal with in the future. This might even be a great time to location scout in your area if you’re on the hunt for the perfect natural background.

6. Sort Through Your Gear

When’s the last time you went through your piles of photography equipment? I bet there are too many of us who have countless pieces of gear that either need to be organized or donated/sold. How many things do you no longer use? Organize what you can and toss or sell the rest of it, you’ll probably find that you have multiples of things or quite a few broken pieces.

7. Purchase Insurance For Photographers

Many photographers aren’t aware of the benefits of insurance for photographers and we want to help clear any confusion.

Insurance for photographers is designed to protect you against third-party liability claims that arise out of your business operations. Full Frame Insurance can protect you if a client of yours sued you due to getting injured as a result of your direction or if you were to damage property you rented out.

By carrying insurance for photographers you help mitigate any costly suits and you show your clients that you are a professional who takes their business seriously. Full Frame’s policies also offer you added benefits:

  • Camera gear insurance option
  • Additional insureds
  • Support from industry professionals
  • Peace of mind

Don’t keep your business vulnerable, and purchase the best insurance for photographers today!


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Additional Insureds

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Additional insured status cannot be granted to a friend or co-worker as an extension of your policy. Each individual must purchase their own policy to obtain liability coverage.

A written contract, such as a venue, studio rental, or employment contract is required to add another party as additional insured.

General Liability

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Camera Equipment Coverage

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