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What Does Insurance For Photographers Include?

Your photography business can take you to many different events, such as weddings, graduation parties, family reunions, and more. Each of these gatherings places you at risk of dealing with an accident related to your photography business and you could be held liable even when the accident is out of your control. 

Finding the right insurance for your photography business can give you a financial safety net and peace of mind while operating. Your friends at Full Frame Insurance are here to walk you through the types of coverage we offer and how they can respond.

How Much Does Photography Insurance Cost?

The price of insurance for your photography business can differ depending on what your specific needs are. At Full Frame, our most popular (and most recommended) plan is the Annual Plus plan which starts at $184 a year and includes camera equipment insurance, general liability, and more. 

While the price of photography insurance may sound expensive at first, if you break it down it is affordable (less than $16 a month) and could end up saving you thousands of dollars.

While we think the Annual Plus policy is the best for professional photographers, each photographer business has unique needs. Accordingly, the best insurance for photographers must match those needs. That is why we offer three different policy options: Event, Annual, and Annual Plus. 

Event policy details

Our Event policy starts at $59 for three days of coverage. It provides up to $1M per occurrence and $2M Aggregate. It includes unlimited additional insureds for $5, however, it does not include any camera equipment insurance. This policy is a great choice if you are just testing the waters of photography. 

annual policy details

Our Annual photographers insurance starts at $129 per year and offers a more well-rounded carousel of coverages. This policy includes up to $1M per occurrence and up to $2M aggregate. With this policy, you have the option of adding camera equipment coverage, unlimited additional insureds, professional liability, and cyber liability coverage. 

annual plus details

Our Annual Plus photographers insurance is our most recommended policy for professional photographers. Starting at $184 per year this policy includes camera equipment Insurance, damage to rented premises coverage, and general liability with up to $1M per occurrence and $2M aggregate. You also have the option to increase your limits of coverage to better suit your business needs. With this policy, you can also add unlimited additional insureds, professional liability, and cyber liability. 

Insurance For Photographers - Coverages

Every insurance company will offer something different and we suggest researching the best fit for your needs. Full Frame Insurance offers the following coverages in our photography insurance policy:

General Liability Coverage

General liability coverage is designed to protect you against bodily injury and property damage claims you are legally liable to pay for. Because you work closely with people one mishap could lead to legal action. For example, your client could slip and fall during a session and sue you for the damages. You could be responsible to pay for medical bills or cover their loss of income while they recover. 

Professional Liability Insurance

Technology can oftentimes be unpredictable so when a faulty memory card loses all your client’s photos, professional liability coverage can help protect you. This coverage has up to $100,000 per occurrence and $200,000 aggregate. This photography professional liability insurance can also protect you from the cost of any professional errors and omissions. If you run any demonstrations or teach classes, we highly recommend adding this coverage to your policy. 

Young female photographer in her home studio office

Damage to Premises Rented To You Coverage

Are you interested in taking photographs at a studio or venue? Studios can provide great lighting, props, and space for your gear/clients. Venues can offer a great backdrop to work with and give your photographs a certain theme. It’s important to understand that you are taking on certain risks by renting out space, such as property damage. This coverage is designed to cover damage sustained and occupied by you within seven days or less.

Medical Expense Coverage

This type of coverage is designed to cover out-of-pocket medical expenses for any injury that happens during the job. It could help you avoid a lawsuit and your client may appreciate the professional gesture of offering to cover medical expenses.

What Full Frame Insurance For Photographers Can Include

Additional Insureds or Certificate Holders

Let’s say you are going to capture a wedding at a venue and the owner asks to be included in your insurance for photographers policy – what would you say? This is a common request from venue owners because accidents can happen during a wedding and they don’t want to be held liable.

Anything could happen from the bride tripping over your gear to an accident with your lighting equipment falling and hurting someone. If this happens they could pursue legal action against you and try to add the venue owner as well. By including the owner in your policy, it may extend coverage to them since the incident was not their fault.

Full Frame offers you the ability to purchase one additional insured for $15, and $30 for an unlimited number of additional insureds under the annual policy.

top view of work space photographer with digital camera, flash, cleaning kit, memory card, external harddisk, USB card reader, laptop and camera accessory on black table background

Camera Equipment Insurance

Your gear is a huge asset in your business and needs to be protected. Camera Equipment Insurance, also known as Inland Marine, is designed to cover your cameras, gimbals, lenses, lighting equipment, and other photography gear. There’s always a chance of your gear getting damaged on the job. While working you also run the risk of equipment getting stolen. If this were to happen, replacing your equipment could lead to a financial strain for you.

Whether you have hundreds of dollars worth of equipment or thousands of dollars, you have the convenience of choosing the amount of coverage you need. You can include gear coverage starting at $55 with our annual policy.

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance is designed to protect you and your data in the event of cybercrime. If you store customer information such as names, addresses, or credit card/payment information, you’ll want to add this coverage to your base policy. This can give you peace of mind while operating since your accounts may be hacked and compromised.

Happy photographer

Get Covered Today!

You can easily add insurance for photographers to your business in minutes! Our online application gives you the convenience of tailoring your policy, receiving a quote, and purchasing from there. After checkout, you will have access to your online dashboard and your digital insurance certificate.


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Cyber Liability

Cyber liability insurance protects your business from the cost of first- and third-party claims that arise from a cyber security breach within your business. Cyber crime has become a common threat for businesses both big and small. If you collect or store business information online on a computer, tablet, or mobile device, we highly suggest including this additional protection to your policy.

'Failure to Deliver' Coverage
(Professional Liability)

‘Failure to Deliver’ Coverage, also known as Professional liability insurance, can protect your business from the cost negligence claims that arise from professional errors and omissions, like giving bad instruction or failing to provide necessary information on a subject. If you teach classes or run demonstrations as part of your business, we strongly recommend this additional coverage option.

Additional Insureds

When you add a person, event, or organization to your policy as an additional insured, they receive protection if they are named in a suit due to a covered business-related loss/claim because of your actions or operations.

Additional insured status cannot be granted to a friend or co-worker as an extension of your policy. Each individual must purchase their own policy to obtain liability coverage.

A written contract, such as a venue, studio rental, or employment contract is required to add another party as additional insured.

General Liability

General liability insurance can protect your business from the cost of third-party bodily injury and property damage claims, like if a client trips on your business equipment and injures themselves. It also protects against the cost of copyright infringement claims, personal and advertising injury claims, and more.

Damage To Rented Premises

This coverage can protect your business from the cost of claims arising from damages done to rented spaces, like a studio or event booth. It’s common for property owners and event organizers to require businesses to list them as additional insureds on a policy before renting a space. Full Frame provides unlimited additional insureds for just $30.

Camera Equipment Coverage

Also known as inland marine insurance, camera equipment coverage can protect your business from the cost of repairing or replacing damaged or stolen business equipment—including camera bodies, lenses, lighting equipment, and more. Our policy can protect against claims that occur at home, on a job and anywhere in between. Full Frame offers multiple coverage options for equipment insurance based on your business needs.