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Best Insurance For Photographers: Things To Consider

You’ve made the right choice in looking for the best insurance for photographers. It shows how much you care about your business and want to protect it. Searching for the right coverage for you takes time and effort. There’s a lot of benefits and drawbacks to compare.

At Full Frame, we pride ourselves on offering comprehensive coverage framed for photographers. Learn more about what to look for and decide if we’re a good fit for you.

Look For A Policy That Gives You Peace Of Mind

The best insurance for photographers gives you peace of mind while running your business. It isn’t something you want to dwell on but…there’s always a risk of facing a lawsuit and that can be scary.

General liability insurance (included in our policy) is designed to respond to bodily injury and property damage claims you are legally obligated to pay for. It’s safe to have a financial safety net considering that a lawsuit can cost thousands of dollars in legal fees. You can have peace of mind knowing there’s coverage in place and a financial safety net.

Think About The Job At Hand

Photographing at venues can make your job easier. There’s already a beautiful backdrop to work with! It’s very typical for venue owners to request additional insured status. An additional insured is a person or organization (not an employee or a friend) that can be added to your insurance policy by endorsement. The best insurance for photographers helps you perform your job.

Let’s say a wedding guest sustains an injury from your light cord being placed too close to a main walkway and gets sent to the hospital. The guest may possibly pursue legal action towards you and could include the venue owner as well. Your insurance policy could extend coverage to the venue owner if they weren’t found at fault. Full Frame makes it easy to include an additional insured to your insurance for photographers policy.

Consider How You Can Leverage Your Coverage

Did you know you can use your photographers insurance in your marketing?

We created an insurance badge for our policyholders. It’s our small way of helping out our customers. This badge is a way to show potential clients that they are working with a true professional.

In a creative world where there’s so much competition, the best thing to do is stand out and our insurance badge can help! It can be used on your website, business cards, marketing materials, and your social accounts!

See How Your Policy Can Grow With You

One great thing to do is connect with other photographers and increase your network. Many will pursue holding online workshops to help out beginners. It’s a wonderful way to expand your business and create an additional revenue stream.

Look for the best insurance for photographers that can help you grow your business and doesn’t limit you. Full Frame offers professional liability insurance as a policy endorsement. This is ideal if you plan on holding classes. Professional liability is designed to cover negligence-related events, such as a client pursuing legal action for failure to perform your contracted agreement.

Align Yourself With Coverage Centered Around Customers

The best insurance for photographers looks for ways to better serve their customers and that’s why we are proud to offer cyber liability insurance as an additional coverage.

Cyber liability insurance is especially important when you handle sensitive customer information, such as credit card numbers. Every consumer based business runs the risk of a security breach and it can be incredibly daunting to handle the financial repercussions on your own. By having coverage in place you can protect your endeavor and give it a safety net to fall back on.

Find Coverage That Protects Your Gear

Your lighting equipment, backdrops, lenses, and reflectors are essential items in your business. It would be hard to perform your job without these things! Since you travel to various locations, there’s always a chance of your gear getting stolen or damaged.

Business can be busy and time is limited. You don’t necessarily want to spend a lot of it on managing multiple insurance policies. Get liability insurance and camera equipment insurance all in one place with us.

Full Frame offers gear equipment insurance as an add-on. We know that one limit won’t work for everyone and that’s why we offer several limits to choose from. It starts at $1,000 per item/ $5,000 aggregate (the most your policy will pay). The best insurance for photographers works with your gear coverage budget.

The Wrap Up

Overall, the best insurance for photographers strives to make your life easier. At Full Frame, we created insurance with photographers in mind. We understand that business can be busy and time is limited.

We make it easy for you to get coverage online. It takes less than 10 minutes and you receive your digital insurance certificate after checkout. Manage your policy online and make any additional changes from there, such as add an additional insured or professional liability coverage.

If you have any questions about our policy, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help!


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Cyber Liability

Cyber liability insurance protects your business from the cost of first- and third-party claims that arise from a cyber security breach within your business. Cyber crime has become a common threat for businesses both big and small. If you collect or store business information online on a computer, tablet, or mobile device, we highly suggest including this additional protection to your policy.

'Failure to Deliver' Coverage
(Professional Liability)

‘Failure to Deliver’ Coverage, also known as Professional liability insurance, can protect your business from the cost negligence claims that arise from professional errors and omissions, like giving bad instruction or failing to provide necessary information on a subject. If you teach classes or run demonstrations as part of your business, we strongly recommend this additional coverage option.

Additional Insureds

When you add a person, event, or organization to your policy as an additional insured, they receive protection if they are named in a suit due to a covered business-related loss/claim because of your actions or operations.

Additional insured status cannot be granted to a friend or co-worker as an extension of your policy. Each individual must purchase their own policy to obtain liability coverage.

A written contract, such as a venue, studio rental, or employment contract is required to add another party as additional insured.

General Liability

General liability insurance can protect your business from the cost of third-party bodily injury and property damage claims, like if a client trips on your business equipment and injures themselves. It also protects against the cost of copyright infringement claims, personal and advertising injury claims, and more.

Damage To Rented Premises

This coverage can protect your business from the cost of claims arising from damages done to rented spaces, like a studio or event booth. It’s common for property owners and event organizers to require businesses to list them as additional insureds on a policy before renting a space. Full Frame provides unlimited additional insureds for just $30.

Camera Equipment Coverage

Also known as inland marine insurance, camera equipment coverage can protect your business from the cost of repairing or replacing damaged or stolen business equipment—including camera bodies, lenses, lighting equipment, and more. Our policy can protect against claims that occur at home, on a job and anywhere in between. Full Frame offers multiple coverage options for equipment insurance based on your business needs.