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4 Ways You Can Market Photography Business Insurance

 Starting a photography business takes a huge leap of faith, and a lot of determination, time, and investment. Many photographers get photography business insurance or are considering it for the peace of mind that what they’ve built is covered. This is definitely a great step in the right direction and a policy is essential for your risk management plan.

There’s more you can get with coverage, though. Did you know you can use insurance as a marketing tactic? Consider the many different avenues to choose from when it comes to featuring insurance. There are lots of options and each of these avenues gives you an opportunity to show your value. More importantly, insurance can help with standing out from competitors, boosting your professionalism, and hopefully connecting with customers who are considering your service.

Today, we will go over different platforms you can use for advertising and how easy it is to let customers know you’re insured. Check out these 4 ways you can market photography business insurance below.

Use Your Online Profiles

You can customize your online presence to be whatever you want it to be. From color scheme to types of posts you want to share, you’re in total control and can design everything to fit your business. Sharing your latest photographs or promotions can be a huge hit with your following. Using your social profiles is about educating your audience and crafting a personal brand story that helps you connect with potential clients. Here are a few ways you can incorporate photography business insurance in your online profiles:

  • Your Personal Website: Your personal website is your go-to place for posting anything business-related, such as your latest photoshoots, pricing, services offered, and contact information. Many of our insureds feature FFI’s insurance badge on their site among other online badges they have earned (e.g., association member or publication feature). Badges, like our insurance badge, show customers you’re a professional and proactive.If you don’t have a website yet, check out Wix, Weebly, or Square to get started creating one.
  • Facebook: Facebook for Business gives you the capability to create ads, view analytics, connect with your followers, and so much more. A few simple ways to incorporate the fact that you’re an insured photographer is by including it in your profile’s bio, timeline, and pinning a post (this allows for the post to be featured first).
  • Instagram: Instagram for Business allows you to separate your personal posts and business posts. By doing so, you can focus on connecting with people interested in your work and those who want to work with you. A few ways to market that you’re an insured photographer is utilizing Instagram stories (you can use a picture of our insurance badge there), highlighting a post and adding it to your profile, and including the information in your bio.

man shooting photography

Business Cards

Business cards are perfect for handing out at events or to clients who want to pass your information along to family/friends. You can use the front and back to give people the best ways to get in touch with you. Most people list their phone, email, or social media handles to direct people to their work. Adding a simple mention that you are an insured photographer can give you a leg up against those who choose to work without photography business insurance.


You can tell a story about your business through brochures. Maybe you take photographs of multiple types of events or you have a main focus and stick to that. Every photograph featured has been carefully selected by you to show potential clients that you have what it takes to capture their event. Handing out a brochure to a client adds a personalized touch as well. Along with showing your work, you can also include that you’re insured with photography business insurance.


Flyers are an easy way to promote your service and expand your business efforts. Some photographers use them to advertise their workshops or demonstrations while others hand them out to build their customer base around town. This simple marketing tactic is a great way to connect with more people in your local community and get your name out there. Online efforts are helpful, but there’s nothing better than booking jobs close to home and building relationships with people in your area. With permission, you can post your flyers at local businesses or city hall. Don’t forget to include that you’re insured with photography business insurance! It helps your business stand out even more against competitors.


As you can see, there are many ways to include coverage in your marketing efforts. Standing out from competitors and increasing your professionalism by being proactive just adds to the list of what you have to offer as a photographer. Carrying insurance is a simple thing to do and only takes a few minutes to get started. We’ve framed photography business insurance to fit your needs and give you the confidence to run with ease. Offering our insurance badge is one of many ways to strive to help our customers.

If you’re not insured with us yet, fill out our online application and choose which policy works for you! It takes less than 10 minutes. In the meantime, check out our blog How Photographers Insurance Can Help You Gain Customers and see how insurance can help!

Learn about photography business insurance


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